Press Release - November 6, 2021
McKinney, TEXAS - Electrical Code Academy, Inc. announced this week their long-awaited and highly anticipated launch of their electrician-inspired clothing brand called "ELECTRIFY™" will be available starting December 1, 2021, at www.ElectricianPRIDE.com.
The CEO and President Paul Abernathy was quoted as saying "Our new trade specific clothing line and ELECTRIFY™ branding will inspire profession-specific pride, overall profession inspired unity, and industry-specific awareness of what I feel is the greatest profession in the trades, the Electrician"
Brittany Miller, Director of Content for Electrical Code Academy, Inc. stated "The new ELECTRIFY™ brand will also reflect our corporation's ongoing commitment to pre and post-licensing education that strives to make good electricians into great electricians."

The corporation also mentioned that their Fast Trax®, a federally protected mark, will now be utilized broadly to reflect all of the corporation's online educational programs. There online programs are designed to provide a systematic approach to learning various electrical topics.

ELECTRIFY™ will be utilized on very selective branded products, such as hats, t-shirts, polo shirts, jackets, sweatshirts, and pull overs.
